What is NetCDF, and When Should You Use It
NetCDF is a data format for science and engineering data. It's also a set of free and open software libraries and tools which support the format. NetCDF works better than a database for most science and engineering data, which usually does not fit well into the relational database model. NetCDF has been accepted for decades by the Earth science community to store and share weather and climate data. It is also used by other science and engineering communities. Unique Needs for Science Data Science data needs are different from the data needs of commercial entities, like Google or Amazon. Why Not Use Databases? Databases are all about tables of data. Each table is a two dimensional array of fields. For example, in a table of customer data at Amazon, they will have your customer ID number, which allows them to look up your record, and then they will have fields like "first name", "last name", "street address 1", "street address 2", e...